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Címke: hangulat

Hangulat zene

So why so sad You live and you love So why so sad Dependent on above Searchin’ for the dead sea scrolls So why, so why so sad

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Pár hete eléggé rossz hangulatban voltam, és emiatt csináltam olyan dolgokat, amit most már bánok. Tettem olyan dolgokat is, aminek utólag is örülök, hogy megtettem. Egyik ilyen lépésem az volt,.

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Hangulat zene

It makes you wonderIf shooting for stars is like darts in the darkIt makes you wonderIf the beaten path is the promised land

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Hangulat zene

Only the strongest will survive Lead me to heaven when we die I have a shadow on the wall I’ll be the one to save us all 

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Hangulat zene

  I’m waiting for you I don’t know why, when you always take your time Into the middle we go Let’s see you try to kill me

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Hangulat zene

  Nothing can compare to the feeling I get when I’m up on stage, I feel right at home, Like I’m lounging on my sofa man, And every single fan.

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